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Amy Burek is a scientist and artist living
in the San Francisco bay area. 

curriculum vitae

My interests include how cells become organisms, how letters become words, and how cat pictures become memes. 

During my time in the laboratory, I studied how organelles communicate within a cell, helped build plants that are more resistant to drought and insects, and measured the rate at which bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics.

As an artist, I am interested in exploring how technology has shaped the ways we communicate, interact with each other, and perceive ourselves. I find the divide between our virtual and physical selves fascinating and feel that the wackiest corners of the internet deserve documentation. 

Iā€™m a co-founder of Chute Studio, a collaborative Risograph printing and bookbinding studio in Oakland, CA. 

Let's trade zines!

You can reach me by email at or on Instagram at @awkwardladies

I also write a free, infrequently updated Substack newsletter called Studio Conditions.